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Message Boxes

These boxes inform the user about general information and other critical information that requires attention.

Main Message Box Types

There are five main types of message boxes.

This is an Info message box.
This is a Success message box.
This is an Alert message box.
This is an Error message box.
This is an Outline message box.
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--info">
    This is an Info message box
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--success">
    This is a Success message box
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--alert">
    This is an Alert message box
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--error">
    This is an Error message box
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--outline">
    This is an Outline message box

Message box with link

Just add a normal link with the <a> tag. This will work with all types of message boxes.

This is an Info message box with a link to click.
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--info">
    This is an Info message box with a <a href="#">link to click</a>.

Message box with title

Just add the <h4> tag to add a title to the message box. This will work with all types of message boxes.

Title here

This is an Info message box.
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--info">
    <h4>Title here</h4>
    This is an Info message box

Message box without image

This is a message box without an icon. This isn't for normal use but in the case when there is limited space on the screen. This will work with all types of message boxes.

This is an Info message box without image.
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--info euaa-message-box--no-image">
    This is an Info message box without image

Condensed message box

This type of message box is only used for error messages.

This is a condensed error message box.
<div class="euaa-message-box euaa-message-box--error-condensed">
    This is a condensed error message box