
A form is generally used to collect information from a user. A good user experience makes sure that the form is easy to use, accessible and professional.

General guidelines for forms

Single column layout

Always use a single column layout for forms since this is better for readability and scanning through the form. Forms with multi-column designs often lead users to forget fields simply by not noticing them.


Group common or related elements

With grouping the form will look organised and clear. Group related information by adding sections with titles and/or separators.



Always use a label and not a placeholder to give important information about the input field. Placeholder text should only be used to provide additional hints and not to replace field labels. Without labels it will be difficult for the users to check their work before submitting.


Use autocomplete

With Autocomplete form completion is much faster. When possible always offer this possibility to the user. Elements like country, address, phone and email can all be autocompleted.


Required fields

Required fields are always marked with an asterisk *


Form input field labels

Input field labels are to be placed on the left hand side of the input field. In smaller screens the label should be on top of the input fields. Also avoid using all caps for input field labels and using very long label names.


Focus on field

The first input field in the form should always be in focus. When filling in the form a user should always see the active field in focus and this needs to be emphasized by means of a differenet colour border or background.


Clear action button

Always provide clear and obvious call to actions buttons. Make the CTAs descriptive so that the user immediately understands what to do.


CTA button styles

Make sure to differentiate the primary and secondary buttons clearly. Avoid using the same colour for primary and secondary buttons as this can mislead the user.


Provide input constraints

Reinforce the information required by users by means of visual constraints. Do not use simple inputs or dropdowns everywhere in forms. Use custom input format to enhance and also provide constraints. When adding input constraints, the user will be less prone to errors because the system is limiting what he/she needs to enter in the input field.

The following are some examples:

Telephone/Mobile numbers

Provide the country prefix and a short input field with number constraints. Only allow numbers.

Date Input

Provide the calendar icon and functionality.


Provide a list of nationalities.

Country or city

Provide a list of countries or cities. Also predictive search may be used.

Address fields

Use predictive search with auto-suggestions to easily find a specific address.


Use radio buttons or dropdown, so that the user can only select one option.

ZIP code

Reduce the size of the input field, since this will indicate that the field is not very long.

Use wizards or multi-step for very long forms

The use of multi-step or wizard is encouraged when there is a lot of information in one form and these can be split up into different categories. This type of setup will be more clear and manageable for the user.

Form validation - Inline messages

Always provide inline error messaging as this will be more clear for the user. These messages will be located next to or underneath the input field that has the error. The input field should also be highlighted generally with a red colour to indicate the error.

Form validation - Message types

Error messages in forms should always provide informative text that will help the user rectify the error. The error should help the user and not be ambiguous.

Form validation - Multiple messages

In the case where multiple validation rules are broken, every single message should be represented in its own separate message box.

Add helper text

Tell the user what is required from them to fill in specific input fields. Do not wait until the form is completed to show them an error message. Do give them clear indication of specific rules.

Tab ordering

When creating a form make sure to add the tab ordering correctly. When pressing tab the cursor should move from field to field in a sequence.

Other suggested guidelines